Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hello...It's me

I love Christmas! This year I asked Santa for a camera so that I could be a "Blogging Queen" just like my Mom. I was so excited when I actually got it! My daddy had to help me set this up, but I plan to take pictures where ever I go and update my blog as often as I can. My pictures may not be too good at first, but I am just learning how to use a camera. Soon I plan to be as good as my Aunt Aubrey. I welcome all your comments.


Nana's heart said...

Kaity I love the beautiful set-up on your blog. It is so you! I'm looking forward to your pictures and your writing as well! This will be such good practice for you. Santa was so smart to bring you such a useful gift! How about posting some of those bowling pictures?! Love you big girl!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

Hey Girl. This is a cute blog!